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Friday, 18 December 2009

X Factor winner

20 minute sketch, on the back of my sketchbook but like the way it came out

Hibiscus (not finished)

I messed up on the background as I did this and lost the motivation to go on.
I've put it up here to remind me thats its there and needs finishing.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Apples and ...

Two apples in different styles . must do some pears next !

Robbie Keane

Going through some old stuff and fund this one that I did in July 2008.

I've been promising to do a pic of Robbie for a work friend so this saves me the bother, I'd forgotten about it.
Think the left edge of his mouth and left eye could do with some work but thats another day.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Its the little things

Haven't posted anything for a while, been busy at work, so thought I restart with something small.
2b pencil about 2hrs work.
I remember doing a very similar drawing to this at school.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Just doodling

I love looking at some artists doodles, you can get a feel sometimes of what they are thinking.Me, I was thinking, it's too cold to got out an look for something to draw, so I drew my hand drawing my hand drawing my....oh you get the picture

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

These Boots

Pencil sketch, guess it was inevitable that I'd draw these eventually.

Friday, 20 November 2009

UK's Mr Miyagi

A friend of mine who got me into Bonsai.

A bit parky

Another colleague at work , dont think he was too impressed, one of my better exaggerations though I think.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Muscle PC

This is work in progress but as a record of it and in the hope of inspiring me to finish it I've put it up here.

Anyone for tennis

This is another charcoal from the loads I did one night ,
see older posts for the others , Bruce Lee, Robbie Williams, etc.

I know this has faults but I guess I'm going to put all my efforts up on here good or bad .

Like the other this took around 15-20 mins to do.

Orange and Apple

I was really happy with this until I added the shadows and it seemed to get away from me.
This was done at the class today, 2 hrs , watercolour but we were only allowed to use three colours , obviously we could mix these to create other ones.
The colours I used were Cadmium Red deep hue, Intense blue and a yellow.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Haley Joel Osment

The wonderful child actor from one of my favourite movies , Sixth Sense, Haley Joel Osment.
10 min drawing

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Bruce Lee

Thi is the one i'm not too keen on.
These last four posts were all drawn in one night of experiments with charcoal, took about 20 mins with each one , Ronaldo one a bit longer.

Bruce Lee

This is one of two I did, like this one better but thought I'd put both up for viewing, by who I dont know, who am I talking to anyway ?

I also did these because I remember my older sister doing a Bruce Lee pic at school which was so good someone wanted to buy it.


Another charcoal effort, thistime of the Real Madrid soon to be soccers first Billionaire , Ronaldo.

Robbie , I think ?

This is one of several drawings I did one night watching TV about 3mths ago, I think this is supposed to be Robbie Williams but looks a bit like Matt Damon so am not too sure now.

Ah well.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


This is one of my very early ones from last year and is available as a cop card.

Very cartoony. I added some colour for the card but forgot to keep that as a scan


Once you could say that if you ever needed a pen you should ask a Police officer.

Sign of the times now its done on a PDA.
Not one of my better efforts but thought I'd put them all up.

Keep off T'Grass

Back to my caricatures here with one of the boss, hence the pose.

Bob Marley

Reggae music legend Bob Marley.

This seems a bit lopsided , its one of my early attempts with charcoal.

Friday, 6 November 2009

I'm The Doctor but not that one

The very bad tempered Doc Martin (Clunes), I've watched this programme from its very beginning (4th series now I think)and how daft am I, the morning after doing this drawing I was sat looking at it when I suddenly realised that Doc Martin could also be Doc Marten as in the boot !

However having looked at t'web I see no connection no matter how small, it must be just one of those things.

Still now I know what was bugging me all this time.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

I'm not an Arsenal fan but this pic caught my eye in the Daily Mirror newspaper and thought it showed all the emotion of a player getting a goal.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

My first watercolour

This is my first ever watercolour and I hope i get better in the future but for now as its the only one I've done thought I'd put it up for viewing.

Not too happy about those trees, will have to work on that technique more.

"This Is It" painted , lol

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Smooth Criminal

My tribute to the King of Pop , hopefully I'll paint this up in the near future.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

He's A Big Lad

He's big, he's solid he plays rugby.

Not finished even though I've had it months so putting it up here might make me get it done quicker.

Mrs Overall

This is Mrs Overall as herself the very talented Caroline Aherne, well not quite herself this is her in her role as Denise from the Royle Family.

Remember when we alll used to sit around in front of the tv watching a family sit around in front of the TV, there's an irony there somewhere.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Zig Zag Zac

Most people's favourite really captured a likeness, had a lot of fun doing this one.

Dont think the subject liked it much, ah well you can't please everyone all the time.

Cheated a bit on this one by adding a football from some download.

Dont know why but it took me months to get a drawing of this lad that I liked and it was more of giving up than actually carrying on and driving me mad.

Still not entirely happy but it really was getting me down , so settled for this and moved on.

Are we sitting comfortably ?

This officer loves to tell a story and hold the audience, he has quite a few tales too.
Everyone loves a comic

Not a hair out of place

Bit of a fave of mine as it only took about 20 mins and I was very happy with the look of the hair, it looks like this in real life too, ha ha
Tried experimenting with the hair here , a tint there a tint here.No idea what's happening with that left thumb though !

This is the one that I mentioned below as re-doing , its ok but think my "Mona Lisa should have smiled" one has a better likeness.
This has got a better cravat though
I've coloured this in since but like it better just like this.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Where's your tie officer !

I love this one , it's just so simple, almost a line drawing and in truth I spent about 4 times more on the background than the person.
It just came out right first time , a rarity for me and the likeness is spot on.
You'll have to trust me on that.

Mona Lisa should have smiled

This is one I re-did as I wasn't happy enough with a previous effort.
I'll have to put that first one up one day to compare , but anyway I was much happier with this one.
I told her that this was a coquettish look , she looked at me blankly , oh the pressure !
It's also another one that I forgot to scan ....

First Commision !

A colleague at work asked me to do a pic of his daughter and this is the result.

I was chuffed as it was the first time I'd been asked to do one for payment.

I set the price high at a pint but still haven't been paid , oh aye then I remembered I dont drink much.

I'll settle for a biscuit Chris !

Apparently the subjects 4 yr old niece recognised her off the pic so was very happy with that.
This is not a scan just a photo taken with my phone as I forgot to scan it before I delivered it, another Doh !!!

Squaddie PC

I did this about 3 months ago as part of my ongoing project for colleagues at work.

The subject is an ex Coldstream Guard now turned PC and I now have a close family member in the Coldstream Guards too, so this is a kind of tribute , sort of not quite !

The Matrix

This is my latest effort, it took about 30mins and was done after watching the movie for the first time this week.

Ash has told me for years how good these films are and so I decided to check them out.Don't know how I missed watching them when they were out as it's the kind of stuff I like sci-fi etc.

So after watching the first two films (this is a still from the second one) I decided to do a drawing and this is the ONE I did , see how I did that ?

It was done with charcoal but I then altered it on my pc by darkening the sunglasses for a better effect.

Thursday, 1 October 2009


Ha, this is the first live caricature I have ever done , it's of my son Ashley Smashley and whilst i'm not particularly proud of it there is a certain likeness as no one will testify !

I blame Ash as he was more interested in watching Corrie than posing for me, ok ok and a bit of texting but it was more Corrie.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Another serious effort that I did last year , she liked it a lot and took it home.

Must start charging for these ! Doh

This was supposed to be the Prince of Pop , but made him a little chubbier than he is, ah well sue me !
Lets just say he was chewing some nuts shall we.

20 min sketch of couch potatoe Ricky Tomlinson (Jiiiim) as he is known on the show,Royal Family. Used to love that needs bringing back.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009