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Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Here's one I can't claim too much credit for as I leaned heavily on the assistance of Tom Richmond for.
Its based on his Julia Roberts caricature and yes I did let Tom know about it and he kindly agreed to let me use it in such a way.
The girl in question wasn't that happy with it as her nose and chin aren't that big , tried to explain the concept of caricature but there you go.
I shortened her chin in a later effort but she still felt another one I'd done of her was more suitable.
Ah well you can't win them all.
Being compared to Julia Roberts and she wasn't happy......sheesh !
Just teasing ya N??????
So this is it coloured and this was my first time using some soft pastels.
Think I messed up a bit on the highlights of his head but I don't think it detracts too much from the overall effort.
Ha, I have just noticed as I write the diference in the height of each shoulder, think I need a quality control officer. oops !
Comments welcome please
This is one I did quite recently and it's shown here before I added any colour. That's a skill in itself isn't it , I see that (and you have to remember that I'm new to all this) digital drawing is very popular and I'd love to get into that but it's obvious that those that do it are adept at free hand drawing too.
Also the cost of some of that equipment if you want the best can be a little on the top side of aaarrrgghh !
Anyway the victim of this pic loved it.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
This is one of my later pics that I've done quite recently and after much reading of Tom Richmonds blog and a few others linked to his site.
You'll never know of course but this is good likeness, he says modestly. I had a lot of fun doing this one as I got it right first time, as opposed to some that have taken me hrs and hrs. I'm still trying to do one guy that so far has taken me three months and I still can't get it right.
Suffice to say I'm still learning !!
Anyhow hopefully this will show how i've changed my style over a year or so.