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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Quick Sketch study of Mark Spain's painting

20 minute sketch from the sketchy etchy book. Its one of Mark Spains ladies. If you dont know what I mean go check him out.


Friday, 14 June 2013

Pooch right third time

I have been trying to get this pooch right for a while now and think I have finally cracked it.

This is a simple uncomplicated pastel charcoal pencil effort. This is a fine example of what goes into a painting portrait etc, when people ask, " how long did it take you" 

My answer is usually a combination of years on earth + hrs on failed attempts + actual hours on that particular finished piece. So in this case this painting, drawing whatever you want to call it took 47 years eight hours plus another two hours ! 

Yet I still enjoy it ! 

I have a few other commissions to do, including a poster for a cemetery action group ! Yep art comes in all sizes and shapes.bye for now...... Back to the drawing board literally !
Comments welcome on the pooch please