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Sunday, 27 July 2014

Sand dune jumping 2 ( nearly done) update

This is a larger version of a painting I did a few weeks ago. In short I found the photo online contacted the owner , gained permission to use the photo and did a small painting for her as a thank you. 

Just need a bit more work on the trainers I think. 


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Commission piece

This is a pastel piece done for a lady at the art club I attend. This is her granddaughter , she asked me to paint her in anything but pastel ! 

I tried , oils, acrylics and then a pencil sketch, all with no success. 

I then asked for a different photo and tried pastels ! Oops 

Anything but pastel she said ! 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Figure drawing , Jeremy Mann

Every figurative , portrait artist worth his salt will tell you that drawing from a live figure model is an absolute must and I have no reason to disbelieve that. However not ever having done it I can't comment.
it's something I would really like to try and one day I know I will. One day ! 

So in the meantime I have to find photos , paintings etc online and one of my favourite artists is an American chap, Jeremy Mann.

I can't post any of his work here for obvious data , copyright reasons but go search for him, he's well worth a look.

The below charcoal sketch is taken from one of his paintings , simple titled " figure no 4" 

The panting is simply stunning .....go on take a look...oh yes and if you look anything like this and want a modelling job ! Lol

Two different tonal finishes. 

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Le Grande Departe

Watched the start of the Tour De France and really git caught up in the excitement of it all. 
I was only able to see bits here and there but have just watched the highlights on tv.

So in honour of the race here's a re-posting of a play on words that I did a few months ago.

My Gramps departs painting.


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Eye on you

This s a fifty minute acrylic effort n practice watercolour paper. 
I set it as some homework for some of the members of a club I go to. 

This is my effort.

This is Ron's 

Hopefully more to follow ....

Two more home works completed.

This one from Margaret ..

And this from Jenny ...

Plus I wanted to just add this lovely painting in development  from Pam...

On the Easel, Marilyn Monroe not Debbie Harry

I was asked to do a drawing of Marilyn Monroe but wasn't given any reference, my choice. 
So knowing obviously she is a legend and was always perfectly turned out I found a photo where she wasn't. 
Now you may be thinking to yourself that it doesn't look much like the great Marylyn but does look like Debbie Harry from Blondie as quite a few people have commented, 

Well two things on that,...
 A, it's not finished but I wanted to put it up so when it is complete the comparison can be made between this and the finished piece.

B. the reference photo doesn't look too much like Marilyn either. I think that's because we are so used to seeing her fully made up and ready for a close up. Whereas this photo was taken on a beach , on what looks like a wet and windy day m with very little make up, but it appealed to me.