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Sunday, 15 November 2015


A scene from last Sunays Remembrance parade. 
Photo reference from York Evening press Photographer Anna Gowthorpe

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Waiting for the fall !

I received an email this week from a gallery in London , the Brick Lane Gallery. They've been featured on the TV show , The Apprentice and have shown work by Banksy , Wolfgang Tilman , Bob and Roberta Smith and  have sold to many London galleries including Saatchi.
That's their blurb not mine.
They said they had seen my work on my daily paintworks site and would be delighted to exhibit me in their next exhibition for emerging artists and said my work was , "fantastic and a good variety of subject matter" 

Now I'm not naive enough to know that as they are looking for artists craving recognition it's easy to get sucked in and throw well earned money at them with no expense for them.

However it's not every day that a reputable gallery comes knocking on your door and its they who will have the reputation to think of if my work is laughed at on their walls. 

They clearly think my paintings are worthy of their gallery although some contemporary work I see looks like it's been painted by a blindfolded chimpanzee so maybe they can't lose. 

So decisions, decisions , do I spurn another offer (I spurned one about a month ago and regretted that)   Or take the plunge fork out a lot of money , speculate and hope for the best. 

At the very least I am proud that another Gallery has shown some interest in me.

Now just waiting for the fall !