The proprietor of the Bare Wall Art gallery at Thorganby Nr York (Andrew Stead) has asked me to be the "Artist in Residence" to replace the wonderful Steven Lingham who has moved permanently to the USA.
Both these guys have been great for me over the last 2-3 yrs encouraging me and giving me support and tips. Thank you Steve and good luck over the pond, stay safe and hopefully see you again soon.
I'm really looking forward to working with Andrew and rewarding him for all his support.
.In truth I can't take up the post permanently until I retire in five years time so it's a title only position at the minute that I will work around my very demanding job. I do hope to get down there though soon, set up my easel and get a body of work together worthy of a solo exhibition.
I'll thank my other great painting mate too , Ron who encouraged me and guided me early on in both my jobs ! Ha 😀