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Monday, 12 December 2016

The best of 2016 (one nude painting !)


It's not been a good year for posts, so there's an easy resolution.

This is partly down to a stressful year at work and lack of time to put some paintings together.

less paintings less blogs.

However the paintings I have done have been bigger than usual so more work has gone into them.

I have had a good year though , I finally got the coveted Best Painting in show at Cawood Arts Festival and branched out by exhibiting at The Boston Spa Arts Festival.

That show led me to being introduced to a new artist , Hilary Cooper who was very helpful and complimentary about my work.

I then visited the Bare Foot Gallery in the town and introduced myself to the proprietor Linda Schulz who also was complimentary, gave some very good advice and wants to see more of my work.

3 weeks after the show I sold my biggest painting, "Lady Grey".

I had two sales at The Cawood Show one being a returning buyer who purchased the sister painting to "Mothers Lil helper".

I also sold what I call a "Piece of Art" rather than a painting with my John Lennon painting

So all in all a good year.

This was the best of it.

If you would like to purchase any or just ask a question  just email me. 

 Pink Rose Available
Bob Marley  Available
 Elvis Available
 Sold (Commission)
 Daisy Available
 Prince Available
 Pensive Available
 My Cawood Award
 not quite finished
 Not quite finished