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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

I found this whilst surfing the net but cannot for the life of me remember who it was. I will keep looking to discover who it was and update it when I find out.

In the meantime , my effort looks ok if you haven't seen the original.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Cool Quick Runner

Draw every day and draw anything is what they say. I picked up a running magazine and sketched this in 20 mins or so.

Its got real movement and though its just a skecth I like it.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Nutmegged on the Soweto

I found a photo on Steve Clarke"s Flickr account ( well at least I think it was him) I surf the net looking for good photos to paint and I found this a while ago but forgot to make a note of who it was.

Anyway this is my pastel version of the photo.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Two Dogs

These are two little pooches done in different styles to see which the owner prefers.

|This first one is done with coloured pastels and charcoal.

This second one is a much simpler style being just black and white pastel. 

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Dunn and Dusted

This is a pencil study 
The paper is slightly bigger than my scanner so it has let some light in at the edges, in reality the picture is much cleaner round the edge.

Arwen after Rolf Harris

This is a copy of one of Rolf's oil painting in  his book.
 Arwen is Rolf's wife and he said that he just loved the little bit of light showing in her eye as she woke up.

My effort is in pastel and took about 2 hrs.

I have issues with the foreshortening of her arm but otherwise I quite like it.

Please comment if you find yourself dropping by , good bad or indifferent.