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Saturday, 31 August 2013

No title as yet, suggestions !

This is a sketch for a painting I'm doing.cant think of a title though, any suggestions.
This is a family friendly blog ! Despite the nude archer, she wasn't that nude ! 

And this is the painting so far........

Got some work to do the hands as well as lots of other stuff but those hands ! ! Aaarrggghhh ! 

Just a few more tweaks , then ill tackle those hands , ha ! 

Friday, 30 August 2013

Nude archer

I have just put this onto my Daily Paintworks site and so although it has been in my blog before,it's here again to see in the flash so to speak. This is a copy of a painting by Robert Liberace.

He is a simply brilliant artist.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Spot the difference (kite flying on the meadow)

Two posts down you will see this painting, or will you ? 

My friend saw it and agreed that it did indeed look like her son and so asked to buy it, but unfortunately by then it was already in the daily Paintworks site and is being  bid on. See the panel to the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over there >>>>>>>

She could either have joined in the bidding or ask me to do another, so I did another.

I don't know which I prefer now ? 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Brian at the North Duffied dig

I recently helped out on an archaeological dig at North Duffield and took a snap of Brian, the force behind the project as he contemplated the next step.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Kite flying 3

The third one in a series of kite flying children , available on my Daily Paintworks page , see pane on the right. 

Looks very much like the son of a friend of mine doesn't he Lou ? Ha ! 

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Two cherry blossoms

Two simple and small cherry blossoms trees with cloudy skies.

The club I attend has an exhibition moving up in conjunction with a flower festival, hence the colourful trees.

These are just 7x5 inches and are acrylic on canvas board 

And here's what it looks like framed 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Poppy field

Another wild experiment , I have been asked to do a LARGE poppy filed painting and I'm building up the courage to do it. I did a small one last year and that just sold on an online website so tried to go a bit bigger with this. 

I like nothing better that slapping the paint on , not looking for realism here just an impression.

Anyway , any comments are welcome, good and bad. 

It measures 31x12 inches and is acrylic. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Future Olympian

This kid is either late for his tea or he likes to run. 
Might still need a bit of work though ? 

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Shadow chaser 3

Another of the shadow chasing paintings.

Don't know if I should add an actual face ?

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Kite flying 2

I'm loving this , painted using some Winsor and Newton Griffin alkyd colours.

Never used these before to complete a painting so very happy with how it came out.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Big D !

This is just a  draft caricature !

This is a temporary post to allow the victim to see it as my email wont send it !!!!!


Sunday, 11 August 2013

Shadow chasing (2) finished ? I think

Made a few changes to this and he no longer looks like a chimpanzee as someone pointed out, or at least he looks less like one ! 

Still seems to be something missing though , maybe he needs something in his hand, a stick maybe ? 

Maybe it's still NOT finished ? 

Friday, 9 August 2013

Kiting from yesteryear

Do kids actually play out anymore or is there an app for that instead.
Remember those days b any chance , if you do then you are aged over 30 at least. I have to thank the man who invented the Internet for lots of things but one of them isn't the death of paying out. Or did it start with the tv. No matter go buy a kite and take your kids out ASAP. 

Acrylic measuring 12x10 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Shadow chasing 2 (wip)

Getting into these now perhaps I should stop , this one got away from me a few times , it was originally  on a blue background but that wasn't working for me. This is looking better I feel.

Another few sessions with it and I think I'll have it cracked. I need to sort out the clothing area around the neck . looks like he is wearing a polo neck sweater, and work on the shadow, and and and !