Carlton and District art and Craft exhibition
Apologies for this unashamed blog post advertising a rival club. Ok I know we aren't rivals really but it's a different club.
Carlton village hall has a small but slowly increasing group of artists that was started in oct 2012.
The village hall committee then asked that the club to support its first Art and Craft exhibition last year and it was well attended but not many sales I hasten to add.
So this is the second Village hall exhibition and they have again asked that the art club supports it this Sunday 15th June from 2pm till 4pm and there wil be refreshments on sale. Entry is £1.00
It is open to all residents of Carlton and surrounding villages not just members of the club.
There will hopefully be a few other crafts on show as well but I don't know too much about them
Certainly the addition of ex Carlton resident and now popular and very well known professional artist Steven !ingham will be the highlight.
He will be bring along one of his recent completed paintings of a bear that I've seen and is simply stunning. Priced at £3500 it would certainly grace any household.
However if you haven't got that kind of money he is also bringing along some cards suitable for any occasion and he has slashed fifty per cent IFC their usual price so will be on sake at just a £1.00 each.