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All artwork for sale contact me by email

Sunday, 15 June 2014

And the winner is

I just managed to gain first prize today in the second annual Carlton art and craft show in the adult painting category..

I won by one single vote holding off a lovely seascape painting.

Bizarrely the lady who came second admitted she voted for mine which was very kind of her.

The winning painting was this one that I call, "Mother's little helper" 

Professional artist Steven Lingham who spent ten years of his youth growing up in Carlton presented the prizes and was just great with all the admiring attendees. 

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Three for art and craft exhibition

These are the three paintings I've chosen to exhibit at tomorrow's 2hr show at Carlton. 

They will all be available for sale minus any reflections that you see here ! Ha 

From left to right 

Ballet girl, pastel, measures 18 x 12 inch in the frame £50.00

Mothers little helper , oil, 13 x 11 inches in the frame, £120.00

L'il kid , charcoal, 17 x 13 inches in the frame , £40.00

Plus I might be able to show a couple of others space providing ! 

Dune jumping , oils , Not for sale 

Early Steps after Carol Marine , 7x5 inches oils , £45.00 framed. 

Friday, 13 June 2014

Carlton Art and craft day Sunday 15th June

Carlton and District art and Craft exhibition

Apologies for this unashamed blog post advertising a rival club. 
Ok I know we aren't rivals really but it's a different club. 

Carlton village hall has a small but slowly increasing group of artists that was started in oct 2012. 

The village hall committee then asked that the club to support its first Art and Craft exhibition last year and it was well attended but not many sales I hasten to add. 

So this is the second Village hall exhibition and they have again asked that the art club supports it this Sunday 15th June from 2pm till 4pm and there wil be refreshments on sale. Entry is £1.00 

It is open to all residents of Carlton and surrounding villages not just members of the club. 

There will hopefully be a few other crafts on show as well but I don't know too much about them 

Certainly the addition of ex Carlton resident and now popular and very well known professional artist Steven !ingham will be the highlight. 
He will be bring along one of his recent completed paintings of a bear that I've seen and is simply stunning. Priced at £3500 it would certainly grace any household. 
However if you haven't got that kind of money he is also bringing along some cards suitable for any occasion and he has slashed fifty per cent IFC their usual price so will be on sake at just a £1.00 each.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Sand dune jumping

I've mistakenly believed I'd updated this all day today with the finished painting. Clearly not so here it is. 

I'd also like to update you on the origin of the photo. It came from a blog called, "my life my love" and the blog owner who is the boys mum loves the painting. 
I therefore have a new twitter follower which I've also realise I've never advertised on here. I'm Simmo291 if you are interested. 

Not quite framed. Slightly too big for a shop bought frame, although with a mount it may work in a bigger frame. 

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

On my easel today

I am always looking for great photos to paint and when I do I then have to gain the permission of the photo owner. 

I recently started a painting and as I saw it was going well I made contact with the owner of the blog. I had typed "children sand dune jumping" into Google and got this photo.

It was on a blog called " my life my love".

The blog is great and the photo was just screaming out to be painted, so I made a start and like I said was happy with the progress at which point I made contact with the blog owner.
So back comes a reply pronto and spookily we share the same surname. 

She loved the painting (unfinished as it was) and granted me said permission. 

Here's the painting so far. Still a bit to do on it , I won't be including the beach and buildings. 

Is that a fishing rod ? 

She loves it and so it might be finding a new home soon. 

I'll post again soon when it's finished. 

Friday, 6 June 2014


I have two brothers who are Jehovahs witnesses of varying degrees ! So this is my gift to them, not a birthday gift of course ! Ha 

Probably the most famous witness and certainly the most musically gifted. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Early steps after Carol Marine

Another of my favourite artists here Carol Marine although I've simplified it. 

It's also a small painting ! So bang goes my earlier post confidence , ha ! 

Oils 7x5 inch 

Here she is framed slightly altered and gracing the mantelpiece 

Argentine Tango after Fabian Perez

When I first started painting seriously about four years ago I excitedly got hold of large canvasses and rushed into copying great paintings and painters I liked. Fabian Perez very much fitted into that list. 
I started this painting a few years ago then pushed it aside when I felt I couldn't add to it anymore. 
I'd started it in acrylics  and it got to a point where I wasn't able to finish it and it sat in the corner of my room staring at me daring to pick it up again. 
As I progressed larger canvasses then intimidated me so I got smaller and smaller , all the while with this and a few other paintings sitting in my subconscious waiting to be finished. 
I mentioned this to another art club friend who gave me the encouragement to got back to larger ones with a lovely comment last week. "You're getting good at this aren't you ," 
So I finally picked it back up last night and finished it with a liberal addition of oils having taken some tuition from a good couple of friends in the use of oils. 

This measures 20x16 inches or 50x40 cm approx. 

On the mantelpiece to show the size better.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Black and white Alsatians

Two recently completed pet portraits but not sure the owner likes them ! 

As Bob would say..."you can't please all the people all the time "