I recently started a painting and as I saw it was going well I made contact with the owner of the blog. I had typed "children sand dune jumping" into Google and got this photo.
It was on a blog called " my life my love".
The blog is great and the photo was just screaming out to be painted, so I made a start and like I said was happy with the progress at which point I made contact with the blog owner.
So back comes a reply pronto and spookily we share the same surname.
She loved the painting (unfinished as it was) and granted me said permission.
Here's the painting so far. Still a bit to do on it , I won't be including the beach and buildings.
Is that a fishing rod ?
She loves it and so it might be finding a new home soon.
What a brilliant painting. You have captured his expressions, position of flight and movement, brilliantly. A raw talent.