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Friday, 22 August 2014

Cawood Arts Festival

Am I a little proud tonight , having just got back from welcoming number three son back from his tour , I arrived back at the Cawoid arts festival awards night with fifteen mins to spare after a four and a half hour , 204 mile drive to get these !

Black and white drawing category first prize with , " Jimi Hendrix" 

Oils category first prize with "Mother's wartime help" (sold)

 Any other media , category , first prize with , " The sundance kid". 

And third prize with , "Ballet practice" which was also shown framed. (Now sold) 

And here are the certificates to prove I wasn't dreaming. 
As any Yorkshireman would say, " I'm chuffed" 


  1. Thank you Meredith, I was surprised and humbled by it all.

  2. Well done Karl. Love Hendrix sketch not surprised it won first prize thoroughly deserved!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. brilliant Karl!!!


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