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Thursday, 11 September 2014

Waiting for a title !

This is as yet unfinished , a few tweaks here and there , finite details in truth it's quite a way off , but it's also awaiting a title ! 
The girl also needs her gas mask box adding. 

Any suggestions , I've asked a certain someone who experienced the war and was probably at some stage about this age although she didn't get evacuated. 

"L'il Molly" Perhaps ! 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Cherry blossom

A very simple small painting , inspired by Vincent. 

Oil , measures 7x5 inches. Would look great in a white frame. 

I'll get one and add photo tomorrow, probably a photo in focus too. 

Thursday, 4 September 2014

A simple tree after Robert Kimball

I liked this painting by Bob Kimball so much I bought it and this is my version of it. 
I can't show Bob's for copyright reasons and I therefore can't sell this. 
I just had to have a go myself.
It measures just 7x5 inches 

Marilyn Monroe (complete)

It's still wet in places and so has a glossy type look but I think it's done now.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Monroe painting improving

Another three hrs work. 
What do you mean , nothing's changed 

Annnnd another evenings work ...